Monday 17 October 2016

Settling in...

The first few weeks of each new teams’ arrival on Gough coincides with the last few weeks of the previous teams’ stay. The idea is that each team passes on their knowledge and experience to the next before officially handing over the island into our care.

The team of scientists out on Gough for our first few weeks (Derren Fox)

Our arrival on the island seemed very sudden after so long in preparations and training. One very short, adrenaline-filled helicopter ride between the boat and Base, and we were delivered into the waiting hands of Derren Fox, Chris Taylor and Jan Bradley. The following days were a blur of new and exciting experiences which left our heads spinning, but hopefully full of all the information we would need over the following year. 

Here are a few of my highlights:

Exploring the island (David Kinchin-Smith)

Finding the first Atlantic Yellow-Nosed Albatross egg of the year (Em Witcutt)

Weighing Rockhopper Pemguins (Em Witcutt)

Meeting baby Fur Seals (Em Witcutt)

Being introduced to Prion Cave (David Kinchin-Smith)

The 25th September arrived all too soon. The S.A. Agulhas was due to leave for Cape Town, taking with it the old team and leaving us to find our feet; alone on Gough for the first time.

The S.A.Agulhas headed back to Cape Town with last years team (David Kinchin-Smith)

With goodbyes said, final questions asked and phone numbers exchanged, the final helicopter flight left and a strange silence settled on those left behind. This was it. A year on one of the most remote islands on Earth, with only one another for company. What did the coming months have in store? We’ll let you know as we find out…

More from David in a few days about another highlight of our training on Gough; the round island count.



  1. Looks brilliant, interesting and exciting. Keep safe and have a wonderful time! Dave D

  2. Wow. I'm going to teleport over at Christmas...

  3. Nice, will be following this

  4. You can follow my blog if you feel homesick -
